THANKS to all of you who attended the Team Kick-off!!! If you were not able to attend please Monday night's meeting to get your handbook and necessary forms.
- Monday September 23 - team meeting @ 7pm.
- Please return your signed forms from the Kick-off and t-shirt/hoodie orders.
- PIN numbers will be selected and programmed.
- Details for Robo Fest determined including date/time to pack trailer
- Driver practice
- Fundraising Plans discussed
- Date for Flapjack Challenge game designers to meet
- Tuesday September 24 - First Lego League @ 3:15pm at McNair
- Saturday September 28 - Robo Fest in Milwaukee. Details TBD on Monday. Permission slips turned in for Jacob A, Amanda B, Emma B, Kyle F, Cassie G, Brennan M, Lauren S, Sergio S.