Sunday, September 4, 2016
2016-17 Fall Team Kick-off!!!
Thinking of joining Winnovation, FIRST Robotics Team 1625?? Wondering what we do, learn, and compete in? Join us Mon, Sept. 19, at 7pm in the Winnebago High School Cafetorium. We will share stories of our history and our expectations of the coming season. Winnovation is open to all high school aged students who are interested in brainstorming, troubleshooting, drafting, machining, programming, marketing, public speaking, organizing fundraisers, meeting sponsors, the list goes on and on. We run like a small business focusing on building a robot for competition with teams from around the world!!! You will have the opportunity to build international friendships! At our meeting, on Sept 19, we will distribute team handbooks to new members, discuss participation hours requirements, family commitment, our fall training schedule, and upcoming demonstration dates. We look forward to seeing you there!!!! Questions, please email