
Monday, March 30, 2015

Heading to Midwest Regional

Winnovation will be competing at the Midewest Regional at University of Illinois Chicago's Pavilion on April 3 and 4..  Early crew will head out on Thursday April 2 - be at the shop at 5:30am. On Friday team buss will load at 5:30am and leave at 5:45am. Location TBD.  
    Please share this info with friends and family who want to follow the action at home:
    • The Blue Alliance offers one of the most comprehensive team and competition experiences. Visit their Midwest Regional event page at, during the competition a "watch now" button will be at top right of page
    • Webcast for the event will be provided; check The Blue Alliance Game Day ( Some practice events Thursday afternoon will be broadcast with full coverage on Friday and Saturday
    • There are several ways to get updates via smartphone, FRC Spyder is one of the most popular options.  Available for Android and iOS in the respective app stores.
    • We'll be posting fun stuff to  Twitter (@frc1625) and Facebook throughout the event